OK, so for all 4 of you that still look at this blog, I'm back. Here's some comics related things to address:

1-Vengeance of the Vapor #2 came out in August and looked awesome. I will throw up some pages very soon. Unfortunately before that happened I found out that would be it as far as it continuing. Low sales has struck again, and boy let me tell you there is nothing more frustrating than this. I apologize to anyone that got the the first two issues and gave their support to me. However, on the bright side, a trade will be coming in early 2008 and I can assure you the story will be better off for it. As some may or may not know it was originally intended as a 6 issue miniseries and then was dropped to 4. While the third issue is going to stay as is, since Jok had done a nice portion of the book already, the 4th issue is going to be extra long and be real meaty. And if you know my writing style you can sure bet this is isn't going to be an exercise in decompression!

2-I've lettered both the 0 and 1st issues of Kong: King of Skull Island for Markosia in the past month or two and I am now feeling primed to start taking even more work lettering. If you need a book lettered feel free to connect with me @ salcipriano@yahoo.com for a sample packet and rate. The thing I add to this work is the fact that I've been an artist, a writer, designer, and editor in this business and you'll have a good eye lettering your books.

3-1819PRO is starting to gather steam and the game plan is very sound. The website is bought, 1819PRO.com, and hopefully we'll have something up there before year's end. More news on this in the coming weeks and months. For those that don't know, 1819PRO is going to be a publishing venture of sorts.

4-Writing wise I have two new projects filling my plate, and work on a couple of older ones are ongoing. One of the new projects is more personal and really really fun. We'll call it tBOB for now...

5-The Hill is on it's way! Yes, I've said this before, but this time I mean it. I've seen the proofs and it's come out gorgeous! I will have some sneak peaking soon!

I'm sure there's more, there always is, but right now I must run! We'll catch up more later!