Or WEAKLY is how I should spell it. What a tiring week. I've worked 6 straight opening to closing shifts at the day job, averaging about 10 hours or so a day and I have 2 days left on this marathon. The reason: vacation of the other manager of the place. I'm gonna need mine, stat! It's been tiring on the brain too with some major work related news throwing me for a loop. Can't talk about that too much yet, and I don't even know if the end result will be good or bad. Sheesh.

Anyways, this and some computer troubles have led to an off week here at the 1819Pro Blog, if not at 1819Pro itself. I got the lettering for Vapor #1 completely done last Tuesday right before the insanity started. I'm pretty proud of this book and I can't wait for everyone to see it come May. (soon!)

Also finished scripting Vapor #3 and I believe I may have painted myself into an interesting unexpected corner. See, writing comics is such an interesting animal that you just don't know where it'll take you sometimes. I wrote a pretty tight outline for the Vapor miniseries, but I let an interesting plot development take over and I've basically screwed my plans! While this sounds like a bad thing, it totally isn't, it's much better than my original outline! I can't wait to tackle the last part and see how this slobber knocker ends!

Anyhoo, keep it tuned here as we roll out a new Scriptage, some News and Notes, and a nice heaping of art this week! (who's we?)

And now it's time to crash!