Here's some "art" I've been making in the last week:

Starting with my friend/coworker Kurtis' pass for his next Noise show. Go check it out, it's art meets music for sure.

Next up ANTMAN! Made this one for Pearl's Spring window display. I used to draw Antman as kid so it was pretty fun to do.

And finally, Sam from Broken Donuts along with Smoggy. Although it looks more like me here.

I've also been slowly working on an Editor Girl piece for this Draw Editor Girl Shadowline thread since it's started so I hope to show that soon too. Some nice pieces in there including ones from Mike Weiringo and Jimmie Robinson.

For a few months there I was drawing daily strips, but business picked up for me in January and the strips took a hit. I'm glad I've been getting the drawing juices flowing again with these so hopefully I can get back to those and complete a full book. I may not be a good artist, but I have a good time doing it, and that's all that counts, right?