I'm back from my last minute trip to Chicago. I'm really glad I went too, what a fun week I've had. First off I'd like to publicly thank Chuck Satterlee who drove myself and Chris DiBari there and let us stay in his room. These guys are such great friends to me, and top notch creators to boot. Plus count in Ryan Stegman and his lovely girlfriend with coloring aspirations Erin and we had a nice tandem for the weekend!
Me and Chuck came up with 3 or 4 properties that had Chris rolling, and me and Ryan cmae up with something that may have our heads rolling! But that's what a great con does, it inspires creavity and it was flowing in bundles here. I'm already working on one of these projects!
As for personal projects all I can say is Vengeance of the Vapor. I cannot believe the reaction I got to this book. I am very excited about the possibilities for this project. And the ball is already rolling! I will keep you updated. The Hill also had it's just due as its a monster of a book, and people just loved rifling through the preview. Plus I had a whole portfolio that previewed the rest of my work, and it was nice to see people's reactions to not only the quality of them, but the quantity! ;)
I had a ton of great food too since Chuck was originally from Chicago. We hit Mr. Beef, Gino's East, Lou Malnatti's, Portillo's, La Asada, and more! Mr. Beef really had a lasting impression on me and Chris as we were clamouring for more, but alas it was not to be. :(
I met and hung out with tons of great peeps here too. Grant Alter is definitely someone that becoming a fast friend. Carina and Aaron of Quattro are wonderful. Kevin Freeman of Ape is good people. Ben Licius and Greg Waller have great books out or coming from Ape as well. Nicole Polak is a great artist who I am sure you will hear about soon. I think I met the entire Phil Hester Mafia except for the man himself and they are all amazingly nice and talented guys. Max Riffner is gonna be a star! Adam Kubert is the man!!! Man, I'm sure there were more, and you're all awesome. I don't think I met someone I didn't like!
Anyways, it was good times all around from the con to friends to food to hanging afterwards and getting stupid. So thanks to all that made this a fun con for me!
Oh and my good pal Beanito had a great time as well check out his adventures: